Dawn’s friends and colleagues would say she is: transparent, big-hearted, fair, yet exacting. While she loves perfection, she’s been around long enough now to recognize that that isn’t realistic. But, clients still get the very best ideas, service and care from her. There is never a dull moment in “Pear-a-dise”, especially on a Friday. The pace is insane and the work-life balance is tricky to find, but Dawn loves the autonomy she has been given to run Pear and is proud of the ongoing commitment, creativity and skill she sees every day from her team. Dawn helps clients get things done. She listens a lot and ensures open and honest collaboration to ensure every meeting ends with a robust and fulsome action plan. She strives to make her clients look good (and is happy to stay in the background). Dawn fought breast cancer in 2014 and “rocked-the-bald” for a period of time. She was told she has a beautifully shaped head. While this trek with cancer made her tough(er), she has a sensitive side and uses this lived experience to guide and inform her work (and her relationships) at Pear.